From the state of OSH to comprehensive risk assessments in Slovakia: building safer and healthier workplaces with OiRA


Regular risk assessments are essential for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. 

On 14 June, members of the national occupational safety and health (OSH) network in Slovakia, sector professionals and authorised safety technicians gather for a session centred around risk assessments and the current state of OSH in the country. 

The highlight of the event is a presentation showcasing Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools. These have been specifically designed to assist in the seamless conduction of assessments, aiming at a comprehensive coverage of potential risks. 

Experts from public and academic institutions share the findings of a survey on micro and small enterprises. They also discuss emerging topics in OSH, drawing from insights from labour inspection.

The event concludes with an overview of the legislation governing education in the field of OSH, shedding light on the importance of proper training to ensure safer work environments.  

Check out our comprehensive range of OiRA tools